Sunday, February 20, 2011

Therapeudic Nature

I am not sure how the weather could have been better yesterday in Gainesville.

When I opened the blinds this morning I knew I had to get outside, even if there was a pretty stout college basketball schedule on TV. I went for a run. I took the roads I usually do when I run outside. I have noticed a trail into the woods a number of times, but because I usually exercise later in the day I have not taken the trail, not to mention I had no idea where it leads to. But yesterday I was running around noon, and the sun was shining brightly so I took the trail through the woods. After some time, I ran up a small ridge and found a beautiful pond. I sat down for a minute, not only to rest, but to thank God for giving me all that he has given.

The run was much like what my life is like. I am running around, not necessarily feeling endangered, but oftentimes I feel lost in a new world to me. I serve a gracious God that no matter how much I want to run around by myself, He will always comfort me in times I feel alone. He is there with me even when I am not paying attention or not expecting it.

Nature can force us to be quiet and get away from the busyness with which we normally surround ourselves. You think there is a correlation in my grandfather's love of the woods, after working in them all of his life, and him being one of the strongest Christian men I know? Makes a lot of sense to me.

Needless to say, I have a new favorite trail to run. One that will be a constant reminder of God's goodness.

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